Yonge Street YMCA’s Green Commute Champ Braves the Winter

Getting to work in the winter can sometimes prove challenging, especially if you are trying to choose the most environmentally friendly option. Amy Swanson from the Yonge Street YMCA, demonstrates grit by braving the cold days and the warm ones with a smile on her face. Amy has had a lifelong relation with the Y, both in icy North Bay and Toronto as a member, a volunteer and an employee. She currently faces a 7 km trek each way between her house in Cabbagetown and 2200 Yonge Street where her office is located. She also stops by the Central YMCA occasionally to work out. All the while, Amy does her best to curb transport related greenhouse gas emission. “I would never be able to do the 9-5 drive. It’s a deal breaker in the job search.” Amy says. “I love walking and biking. It clears my head coming into and leaving work. It allows me time to leave everything behind.” Amy has learned to take great enjoyment in a green commute, even in weather under -20 degrees. Here are a few tips to a fun and easy commute all year round:
Invite a friend. Amy is, by her own accord, extremely extroverted. She finds commuting with others the perfect opportunity for friends and coworkers to open up, making trips more productive and enjoyable.
Layer Up. Long Johns and double socks are an obvious must have, and can keep almost any trip moderately comfortable.
Know your options. You might not feel like taking a stroll every day, or maybe riding a bike is not your forte. Local transit systems offer an affordable green alternative and are continuously looking to improve service for their community. Amy herself often yields her mornings to the warm and toasty benches of the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) in the coldest months. If you are trotting or peddling, choose a route that makes it easy to board transit in case of unpredicted weather or schedule changes, and you may find yourself a little bit more daring. You can also use the TTC trip planner to make planning a little easier.
Arrange a carpool. Check around the office for someone who lives close to you, or online for carpooling programs.
Turn your commute into a sport. Biking and walking are not the arduous option for Amy, because they are sports that improve her quality of life. Amy does the annual fundraising bike tour The Cycle for Sight for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. She is an avid hiker all year round, and also participates in triathlons.
Focus on the office culture. Amy admits that not all workplaces are as accommodating as her current office (which features designated showers and high security bike parking). If there is an opportunity, strive to be the change you want to see at your office and sign up for the Smart Commute program. Smart Commute is a program of Metrolinx which helps organizations through the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area, including the YMCA of Greater Toronto, orient their workplace around green commuting through things such as customized action plans, exclusive ride matching and reduced transit pass programs and even bike lessons.
Join the discussion in your community. Becoming involved in the discussion to help make green commuting accessible for everyone can be a rewarding experience, and can help improve dedication to sustainable travel. The city of Toronto is committed to keeping cycling and transit available to everyone. Projects such as bike path expansion and bike parking require constructive input from the community. This can be facilitated in the city through programs such as the Bicycle User Group Networks. Mark Romeril recommends grassroots advocacy through his organization Cycle Toronto, whose volunteers shoveled snow from the bike path on Shaw Street last winter along with city councilor Mike Layton, keeping winter biking safe in the city. You can also keep up with current GO transit and TTC, or other local transit expansions in your own city to see all new opportunities to choose a greener road.
Get in shape with the green commuter herself! If this has moved you to emulate Amy’s style, try catching her Cyclefit class at the Central YMCA on Tuesday nights from 6:30 – 7:15PM.