YMCA Peace Medal: Nominate a peacemaker today!

- Participation: highly involved in relevant community building activities and supportive of others' involvement
- Empathy: promote understanding across different groups, and create a sense of belonging for all
- Advocacy: make sound, evidence-based arguments for positive change in the community, and build and constituency for peace
- Community: strengthen community ties; build social capital; respect diversity and promotes social inclusion
- Empowerment: empower others to pursue acts for peace and address the social determinants of health
We are looking for people working towards the ideal of peacemaking, and strengthening community ties. If you know a person or group like that, make sure that they get the recognition they deserve.
This year’s Peace Medal recipients will be honoured at a ceremony next month, during YMCA Peace Week. Each November, we take the opportunity to recognize the hard work of those who are impacting their own communities, and making a difference around the world. Other Peace Week activities include opportunities to explore peace-building with children, youth, and adults.
Peace Medal nominations will be accepted until Monday, October 30. For information about Peace Week and the Peace Medal, visit our website or email us at peaceweek@ymcagta.org.