Confident Parents, Confident Kids – What parents love about YMCA Ontario Early Years centres

You will spend the first few weeks adjusting to sleepless nights, analyzing texture of poop, figuring out when’s the best time to take a shower and brush teeth, and of course swaddling, feeding, and cuddling your family's newest member.
Families Learn and Get Support at YMCA Ontario Early Years Centres
New parents also face huge social changes after baby's arrival. Instead of relying on the support of your coworkers and friends who are part of the working world, you'll most likely need to build a new network of friends who can share the ups and downs of parenting with you.
YMCA Ontario Early Years Centres are government run neighbourhood drop-in centres where:

- families with kids age 0 to 6 years can make new friends
- parents can ask early childhood professionals for advice
- caregivers learn how to set the stage for lifelong learning and health
- families can participate in a variety of programs, activities and workshops for free
Infant Massage, Parent and Child Mother Goose, Creative Arts, and Getting Ready for Kindergarten are just a few of the programs offered at our more than 50 YMCA Early Years Centres and Outreach locations.
Program schedules change monthly but all activities follow the same Playing to Learn curriculum you'll find at our child care centres.
What Parents Love about YMCA Ontario Early Years Centres
We asked several parents what they loved most about YMCA's Ontario Early Years Centres and here's what they said:

The OEYC programs are set up according to your child's age and it's nice to be able to share stories and advice with others going through the same highs and lows as you are." - Karen, mother of two
I like that the YMCA OEYC programs follow the same play-based learning curriculum that the school board follows so the transition to kindergarten is a fairly easy one." - Sidika, mother of three
As a first-time parent, I appreciate that there is neither a financial or time commitment to participate in these programs. Every day is different with a young child and it's nice we're able to drop-in when my son's schedule allows for it." - Anita, mother of one
I initially came to the OEYC to give my baby opportunities to develop new skills and learn. But the more I visited, the more I realized I was also doing it for me. I enjoy the change of scenery and I get to talk to other moms, dads, grandparents and caregivers in my neighbourhood." - Jessica, mother of three
Interested in checking out a YMCA Ontario Early Years Centre near you?
You can find program schedules and monthly calendars on our Family Support Programs page.
Follow the hashtag #YMCAearlyyears on Twitter or Instagram to see all the fun stuff happening at our Early Years Centres.