Hey there parents, think you're too busy to find the time to work out? Think again!
We chatted with Brampton YMCA member Tammie Thompson about how she fits in some time for fitness by bringing her whole 7-person family to the Y:
Y: Hi Tammie, thanks for chatting with us! How long have you been a member of the Brampton YMCA?
Tammie: No worries! I've been coming to the Brampton Y for 10 years now.
Y: Awesome! What do you love to do when you're here?
Tammie: I really enjoy the Brampton Y's MuscleFit class, which I attend three times every week. I give a lot of credit to my instructor Deon for helping me lose almost 100 lbs.
Y: You lost almost 100 lbs? Congrats!
Tammie: Thanks! After having my fifth child four years ago, I really felt like I needed to take the time to get myself back in shape, so that's when I ramped up my fitness routine.
Y: Wow, you've certainly got a big family! How do you find time to fit in those MuscleFit classes?
Tammie: I've just realized that as a mom, I need to take some time for myself in order to give my husband and my children the best version of me. Plus, I'm able to get all my kids involved in the Y in some way, which is a big help.
Y: What do your kids do here?
Tammie: Well my 11- and 13-year-old come with me into the conditioning room, since they're both old enough to use the equipment. My nine-year-old will be old enough to get involved in some of the Y's leadership programs next year, but at the moment she's happy helping YMCA staff during pre-school gym time, which my 4- and 5-year-old participate in.
Y: That's great! So what has kept you a member here for so long?
Tammie: I just love that my whole family can get healthy together under one roof. The community atmosphere at the Y really work wells for us, and keeps me motivated to achieve my fitness goals. Another huge plus is that I've met so many close friends at the YMCA, since we all have the same goals, and live in the same neighbourhoods. It sounds cliche, but the YMCA really is a second home to me.