7 Ways Kids Benefit from YMCA Summer Camp

With a little over 3 months of school remaining, now is the time to start thinking about how your children will spend their July and August.
Camp (whether it is day or overnight) is a great option for school age kids to unplug and develop lifelong skills over the summer break.
How Do Kids Benefit from YMCA Summer Camp?
But reducing screen time and seeking out opportunities to grow aren't the only benefits of summer camp. Here are a few more:
1. Staying active - Summer camp will give them countless opportunities to get outdoors or participate in physical activities.
2. Unique learning experiences – Camps give children specialized learning opportunities that school typically can’t. Some of the 60+ unique camp programs YMCA offers include:
- Paddle & Pedal,
- Basketball,
- Oopy Goopy,
- Creative Arts, Dance & Drama,
- Environmental Science and
- LEGO Stop Motion Animation.
3. New friendships - While your child may know other kids from school at camp, there will inevitably be new faces as campers travel from other parts of the city for these unique learning experiences. At camp, your child will get to interact with a diverse group of children and form new friendships over shared interests.
4. Self-confidence - Children are able to step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves in a supportive community at summer camp. Throughout each week, YMCA value beads are awarded to campers as a symbol of personal achievement and positive character recognition. These beads are one of the things returning campers look forward to each summer.
5. Leadership & team building skills - All campers are given opportunities to work as a team throughout the summer while older kids focus on developing their teaching and leadership skills in one of three Leaders in Training programs.
6. Resilience - Summer camp is a place where kids are encouraged to challenge themselves and learn new skills. They gain a sense of resiliency by making mistakes and learning how to cope with both their successes and failures.
7. Structured schedule - Returning to a daily routine at the start of the school year will be difficult for children who spent most of their summer in front of a screen or without a regular schedule. Even if camp doesn't last the entire summer, holding kids accountable to a schedule will make the transition to school easier in September.
Sending your child to camp gives them a much needed break from the school year and endless opportunities for learning and growth.
YMCA Summer Camp Options
For kids who are more comfortable with day camp sessions, head on over to our Summer Day Camp page to learn more about the program options available in your area.
Those wanting an overnight experience should check out summer camp programming at our two outdoor centres - YMCA Cedar Glen in Schomberg and YMCA Camp Pine Crest in Muskoka.