“I know I’ll make a lasting and meaningful impact for generations to come.”

Today, David Prendergast shares how his decades-long journey with the Y inspired him to give back.
Inspiration to give
“Over 30 years ago, when I started going to the gym at my local YMCA, I never thought that my connection to this charity would evolve and run so deep. I was soon volunteering as a fitness instructor and, later, to assist with fundraising. I found a real sense of community here; friends I met at the Y are still my friends today, and I continue to go to my local centre at least three days a week. It’s important to me to do what I can to help the Y continue their important work for years to come.
“I’m not sure people realize the depth and breadth of the Y’s involvement in the community. Beyond a place to work out, the YMCA takes care of our children, has numerous programs for youth, provides shelter and support for youth experiencing homelessness, assists new immigrants, helps people prepare for employment, and offers support to marginalized groups. The Y is there for our neighbours in ways too numerous to mention here."
Gifts that keep on giving
“I began to consider other ways that I could support the Y as a thank you for how much they have brought to my life. I was introduced to the idea of leaving a gift in my will to benefit the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on the Y. I loved the idea that even beyond my lifetime, I could still support this amazing charity. In addition to including a gift to the Y in my will, I have also left a gift to YMCA Sprott House: One of the first transitional housing programs for unhoused 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in Canada. That’s a program that is really important to me.
“I see a bright future for the Y as a charity that continues to be inclusive and progressive. Donations can support the Y’s critical programs and help build new centres so more people in more communities can access those urgently needed supports. In short, I know I’ll make a lasting and meaningful impact for generations to come by leaving a gift to the Y.”
To hear from other YMCA donors and learn what inspires them to give to our charity, visit ymcagta.org/Our-Donors.