- Instead of lounging pool-side, dive in and splash around with your kids! You’ll feel great physically after getting your heart rate up, and you’ll have some new family memories to show for it.
- Don’t get stuck in that beach recliner for hours. Every time you finish a chapter of your book or an article in your magazine, get up and take a scenic stroll along the shore.
- Plan some exciting activities that double as a workout. Go snorkeling, golfing, scuba diving, hiking, or even just get in a few laps around the nearby mall.
No matter your vacation style, just remember: some of our favourite forms of “relaxation” can make us feel even worse in the long run. The best way to ensure you feel rested when you get back home is to maintain some degree of physical activity while you’re away.
By all means, soak up some sun on the beach, treat yourself to a few spa days, and indulge in your favourite foods. But amidst all of that fun, make sure you get up and get moving!