From Camper to Camp Director: a Lifelong YMCA Leadership Experience

What are your favourite memories as a camper?
I have always liked being outdoors, trying new sports and activities. Throughout my years at the YMCA, I grew up to be very outgoing, active, and independent. Also, I moved around a lot growing up and I feel a big reason why I was never shy as a child was because of my experiences at camp: I was always open to making new friends, trying new things, and putting myself out there.
Going to summer camp wasn't really the "norm" when I was 12/13; that was usually the age when you can stay home alone. I had a lot of friends ask me why I go back to camp every year, and I always said, "it's not my parents forcing me; it’s a really good experience!"

How did you get involved with Youth Leadership?
I saw Youth Leaders and CITs (Counsellors In Training) coming back from canoe trips, leading camp songs, or assisting other counsellors. When I was old enough, I signed up for Youth Leadership at Bruce's Mill and CIT at Cedar Glen the year after.
As part of these two leadership programs, I was paired up with another counsellor for a couple of days to a week and had to assist and contribute to the program planning for that group. Before this we were taught many activities, games, and ice breakers we could use when we were placed with a group. Through this I got a lot of feedback from staff to come back as a YMCA volunteer because I wasn't old enough to be a counsellor at the time. I found this a very important experience because I was able to use many of the skills I learned at camp in school and other related events. I built many relationships with the staff and children and learned many skills such as good communication, collaboration, and being a team leader.
So, when I was 15, I became a volunteer at Bruce's Mill for the summer, and I got to work with counsellors of all different programs that ran there. Then I became a Variety/Variety Sports counsellor at 16.
What made you decide to become a camp Director?
Becoming a Director was always a goal I set for myself but I did not expect to take on this role at 18 years old. Although I know this position holds a lot of responsibility and dedication, I am confident my years of experience at the YMCA have taught me so much and prepared me for this leadership role.
I feel the biggest reason I decided to become a Director is because of the impact it has made towards my life and my family. I want to be able to give back and help other children experience and enjoy camp the way I did. The YMCA has been a part of my family for many years and we are so fortunate to get to participate and enjoy all the services, activities, and camps. I know I wouldn't have had the privilege to attend years of summer camp without my parents and the financial support we received, thanks to YMCA donors.
How has your Youth Leadership experience impacted your life?
Staying positive and leading by example is something the YMCA Youth Leadership program has taught me that I will never forget. For many teenagers, it may be difficult now to let go of their phone, stop over-thinking/worrying, and live in the moment. But when I was in Youth Leadership, were constantly told to just focus and enjoy the present.
The YMCA has helped shape me into who I am today. Youth Leadership taught me the changes I can make to have a positive and grateful attitude in my everyday life. As I start to prepare for this summer as a Director, one of my responsibilities is to make sure the summer runs smoothly; for that to happen, I have to keep a positive mindset every day, no matter the challenges I encounter. I hope this will encourage my team to do the same to give our campers and families a safe and fun camp experience!
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Everything! I'm excited to meet and work with new people, and create good memories. Camp is unique, fun, and unlike any other summer job. I am excited to work towards running a camp that will benefit not only the campers but the staff and families as well. Lastly, I'm looking forward to bringing new things to Claremont, such as camp-wide games, new traditions, and songs that I have learned from my experience.
YMCA Day Camps may only be seasonal or short term, but the lessons and skills I've learned and memories I've had at camp last forever. I hope as a Director, no matter if I have first year campers who come for 1 - 2 weeks or returning campers, that the time they spend at camp is positive and enjoyable, leaving them wanting to come back next summer!
Build lifelong skills and help a charity thrive by joining the YMCA Camps and Outdoor Education Team. Or set your kids up to have the action-packed summers Meryl grew up with, by registering them at one of our 55 Day Camp locations across the GTA.