Flashlight Fun: an independent quiet-time game for kids

Let’s get started!
Before you ask them to come play, hide a few items around their room. Try hiding favorite stuffed animals by placing them on a different shelf than usual, in the corner, or on a chair — any place they’ll be able to shine their flashlight. Tell your kids their stuffies are hiding and they have to find them by shining the flashlight on them. They’ll be so excited when they find their favorite toy!
Flashlight Fun is also a great way for young ones to learn their shapes, letters, or numbers. Use the ones from other games or educational sets you have, or make your own cutouts. Place them around the room, then call out the one you want your kids to find. They’ll have to shine their flashlight around until they land on the shape, letter, or number you chose.
You can also set them loose and have them scout around for whichever ones they find first; the catch is, they need to be able to correctly name the first three letters (or numbers or shapes) they find with their flashlight. It’s so cute to see how excited little kids get when they find an object that’s supposed to be “secret” and they get its name right; they’ll want to do it again and again!
What version did your kids like best? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram @YMCAGTA.