Explore Toronto Fieldstone Y Day Camp

Ages available: Kinders (4-5 years old), Juniors (6-8 years old), Seniors (9-12 years old)
Programs offered: Kinder Camp, Variety, Creative Arts, Dance & Drama, Cheer & Dance, Film Making, Lego Stop Motion Animation, Build it Move it Launch it, Constructables, Claymation, Rock Paper Scissors, Experimentology, Oopy Goopy. Check out our online Y Day Camps Guide for a full list of programs and dates.
Location: 2999 Dufferin Street, North York, ON M6B 3T4
Busses offered: YES! Check out our Toronto Fieldstone bus schedule for bus stop locations and times.
About this camp:
Toronto Fieldstone Y Day Camp is one of our new Day Camp locations! Based out of Fieldstone Day School, the camp will utilize the school’s gymnasium, fields, and classrooms, including the kindergarten classroom for our kinder campers. Campers who are 6 and older will be bused to a local pool once a week for swimming. Extended Hours are available onsite before (starting at 7:30am) and after (until 6:00pm) the camp day.
This camp offers a huge range of exciting specialty programs throughout the summer, where campers will develop new skills while also having fun and making new friends. In the Rock, Paper, Scissors program, for example, campers learn how to create a stop-motion animation film using paper cut outs that they make themselves, while our Build it Move it Launch it camp lets campers explore the art and science behind the construction of buildings and bridges. Plus, campers in all of our programs take part in traditional camp games and activities throughout the day. No matter what your camper’s interests, there is a fun program waiting for them at our Fieldstone day camp this summer!
To register for programs at Toronto Fieldstone Y Day Camp, visit our online Y Day Camps Guide.