Coming Full Circle: Crystal and Jacob’s Day Camp journey

Crystal and Jacob bonded over exploring the outdoors and catching frogs. “Every time we caught a frog or discovered a new insect or plant, you could see the joy in his face,” Crystal remembers. “Everything is new and a teachable moment for these kids.”
That was 16 years ago, but amazingly, Crystal was able to follow Jacob as he grew up. She became friends with his mom, and watched as Jacob moved through Y Day Camps, eventually becoming a counsellor himself.
This summer, the bond came around full circle: Jacob is now a camp counsellor for Crystal’s daughter, Logan. “When Logan told me that [Jacob] was her counsellor, I had all the feelings!” Crystal says. “I smile every time I think of Jacob being her counsellor because I used to catch frogs with him. It makes me so happy that he is now doing that with my kid.”
Camp has always been a place that brings people together. In a span of just two short months every year, it creates lasting relationships amongst campers, families, and staff. “I know that 16 years is a long time, but I hope that Jacob’s experiences with me at camp helped build a foundation of fun and learning that he can use to build a foundation for Logan,” Crystal says. “Who knows, maybe Logan will one day do the same thing with Jacob’s kids!”