Celebrating our YMCA City Builders: Jays Care Foundation

Thanks to our long-time partnership with Jays Care Foundation, together we’ve been able to help thousands of youth in our communities discover their own potential through the love of sport.
The Foundation’s vision to create a level playing field for all children and youth mirrors our own. By introducing kids and youth to the power of baseball through a wide variety of ways at our YMCA, together, we’ve been able to realize this vision.
From generously providing baseball and training equipment of our YMCA Youth Sports Leadership Program and our Summer Day Camps, to refurbishing or building new Youth Zones at several of our YMCA Centres of Community, Jays Care Foundation has helped teach life skills while creating lasting change in the lives of young people living across the GTA.
Thank you to our YMCA City Builders and all of our donors for your spirit of giving. Together, you are building vibrant communities where everyone can shine! To read about some of our other donors and their impact, visit ymcagta.org/Donors.