Celebrating our YMCA City Builders: CIBC

With a deep commitment to making a significant and lasting contribution to the well-being of the communities where we all live and work, CIBC is exemplary of what it means to be a YMCA City Builder.
Extraordinary partners in our shared vision for helping young people realize great futures, CIBC has invested more than $5 million in annual paid summer internships and dedicated mentorship through our YMCA as part of the CIBC Youth Vision Scholarship Fund. Since its inception in 1998, that commitment across the country has totaled $16 million, helping improve the lives of more than 530 Canadian youth by awarding them with full post-secondary tuition. Every year, several CIBC associates come together to select scholarship recipients — an often emotional task, considering how life-changing and profound the gift is to the recipients.
CIBC’s enduring partnership with our Y has allowed more people to build resilience in more communities across the GTA.
Thank you to our YMCA City Builders and all of our donors for your spirit of giving. Together, you are building vibrant communities where everyone can shine! To read about some of our other donors and their impact, visit ymcagta.org/Donors.