Ask A Trainer: How can I get back in shape after a long break?

Right now, even seasoned fitness pros are feeling unsure of where to start. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed or nervous — but you shouldn’t let those feelings stop you from chasing your fitness goals.
Here are four ways that I help my new clients overcome their fears and get started on the path to success. You can apply these same principles if you’re already familiar with the gym but want to step back in safely after a long hiatus.
- You’ll never know unless you try
Most new members join the Y thinking they want to do one specific thing—slogging along on the cardio machines is a popular choice. If you can stick to a solo workout routine, you deserve a pat on the back; you’re in the minority. The single best thing you can do to stay motivated and on track is try one of our group fitness classes. Your certified instructor will guide you through a carefully planned routine designed to get your heart rate up and give you a full-body workout. The upbeat playlists, motivating guidance from your instructor, and the energy of a group dynamic are sure to keep you feeling excited about hitting the gym.
All group fitness classes are included in your membership. Plus, we’re now bringing them directly to you with our brand-new online fitness option, exclusive for our members. Whether you’re coming in for an in-person visit or want to book an online class, you’ll need to download our Sweat For Good app to schedule your workout. We made it super easy for you with this how-to-guide.
- Start slow—but not too slow
I can’t count the number of times new members have approached me to say they’re afraid of doing too much too fast and getting hurt. Understandable. If you go from 0–100, you risk injury that could force you to stop working out altogether, putting a big kink in your progress. That said, you shouldn’t sell yourself short, because you’re stronger than you think! Give yourself permission to break out of your comfort zone. Otherwise, progress is going to come very slowly, if at all.
A good way to gauge if you’re adequately testing your limits is to monitor your body on your non-gym days. Feeling sore after a good, tough workout? That’s great! It means you challenged yourself and you’re getting stronger. With challenge comes change.
- Keep it simple
It’s easy to get caught up in the latest whirlwind of fitness trends. “Cleanses,” fad diets, and bizarre workouts promise you amazing results with minimal time and effort. But at the end of the day, I always remind my clients to lean towards training methods that have stood the test of time. They’re still around for a reason: they actually work! You’d be surprised just how much progress you can make by working some classic strength training into your cardio routine, or adding a weekly jog to your time in the weight room.
- Don’t be shy
You know those people who refuse to ask for directions when driving? I see the exact same thing in the gym every day. People who’ve never set foot in a weight room, but don’t take advantage of the Y volunteers and staff who are right here waiting to help; those who look lost, but never drop into a group fitness class; and members who say they want to improve their endurance, but refuse to do cardio.
At the Y, we have an entire team of coaches who can help you figure out the most effective, efficient way for you to accomplish your goals. Whether you need someone to show you how to use equipment, want recommendations on the best group fitness class for you, or want to take your workouts to the next level with your very own personal trainer, we’ve got an exercise expert who can help.
Of course, a lot has changed at our Health & Fitness centres since the COVID-19 pandemic landed on our doorstep. And we know that those changes can feel intimidating all on their own. We’re here to answer all of your questions, and guide you through the new processes we’ve set up to help keep you as safe as possible. Visit for more information about safety, access, and programming or to ask us questions through the live chat! Whatever you’re wondering about, we’ve here to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We can’t wait to see your shining faces in person again.