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An 8-step challenge to help build your kids’ hand-eye coordination from home

20 March 2020 - by YMCA of Greater Toronto
If there’s one thing all this social distancing is good for, it’s that we have more time to master our mind and body skills.

When some kids hear “hand-eye coordination,” they immediately think “video games!” We believe some tech can help, rather than hinder, children’s development. But it’s just one piece of the puzzle, and certainly can’t replace physical activity.

This fun eight-step challenge will work double duty for you right now, helping your kids burn off some pent-up energy, while getting them primed to leap, catch, and jump with precision and confidence. It’s particularly good for 6 to 11-year-olds, but everyone can benefit — even you!

What you need

  • A tennis ball

  • Two small water bottles, full

  • Any wall in your home

How it works

  1. Have your child stand a metre away from the wall, holding the tennis ball in their right hand. Get them to toss the ball at the wall so it bounces off of it and they catch it in their left hand. Repeat 10 times.

  2. Break the pattern up by having your child do 10 jumping jacks.

  3. Now reverse! Get them to toss the ball from their left hand and catch it with their right. Repeat 10 times.

  4. This time, break it up with 10 squats.

  5. Return to the original tossing arrangement, except now your kid’s going to throw and catch with their right hand 10 times.

  6. Make this third break 10 seconds of quick steps (get your kid to pretend they’re on a beach with hot sand: lift your feet fast!).

  7. Balance it out by having them throw and catch the ball with their left hand 10 times.

  8. Use the water bottles like dumbbells. Do 10 arm curls with one bottle in each hand.

Even though our centres are currently closed, we want you to know that we’re still here for you! Expect to hear from us again soon with ideas for keeping your kids active and engaged while school’s out; tips to help protect your mental health; and some #CalmingContent that will (hopefully!) make you smile. Keep an eye on for updates on our centres, programs, and services.


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