A Young Man’s Life Changed for The Better Thanks to YMCA Employment Services

With his mother’s encouragement, Phoenix decided to visit the Whitby Garden Street YMCA Centre. As soon as he walked through the door, a receptionist was ready to start assisting him with his job search. Phoenix explained why he needed a job, and that same day, he sat down with an employment specialist who reviewed his resume with him.
Nancy Gummow, the job developer who supported Phoenix, says she usually begins her first meetings with job seekers with a brainstorming session.
“We start off with a very open-ended conversation, just to determine what industries and positions they’re interested in, where they have worked, where they would like to work, what environment they want to work in, and whether there are any jobs that they don’t want to do,” says Nancy. “YMCA Employment Services strives to find the best fit for job seekers to make sure that they’re working in a safe and stable environment that furthers their goals.”
Phoenix said he was open to most fields of work, but didn’t want to make only minimum wage: “I needed something that was actually going to make me money.”
Nancy explains that having no limitations as to what he might do made Phoenix particularly easy to work with. “Phoenix is a personable guy who came in and just wanted to work,” says Nancy.
The YMCA Employment Services team told Phoenix about a piece pay job at Durham Pallet Services, which involved being compensated based on the number of palettes he repairs per day, instead of a standard hourly rate.
“I was like, ‘You know what, that’s perfect!’” says Phoenix. “You’re making your money. The harder you work, the more money you make.”
When Phoenix officially started as a palette repairer, he had never worked in a manufacturing environment. Durham Pallet Services trained him on the safety procedures and quality controls he needed to know. His employer says he stood out because of his dependability, consistency, and easy-going nature.
“It’s been great, honestly. My life has changed for the better. I was able to save up money to move out with my girlfriend and now we’ve been making good money,” he explains. “Now I’m still able to save, pay my rent, and now we’re saving up for going on vacation next year.”
Nancy says it’s so rewarding as a career development professional to see a job seeker excelling so much in their employment journey.
“Phoenix was placed in an environment that I knew would be welcoming to him and really rewarded him for his hard work. I’m so glad. It’s so rewarding to see that he is still with the same employer, and still thriving,” says Nancy. “Phoenix proves that with the right attitude and a hardworking nature, great opportunities will follow.”
Are you looking for a job? Book your free one-on-one consultation with a YMCA Employment Specialist at a centre near you.