5 ways to keep your New Year’s Resolutions in 2019

I feel you.
Most people resolve to get fit every January because their last New Year’s Resolution didn’t stick. It’s so easy to jump off the fitness bandwagon come February, when the “new year, new me” mantra’s lost its lustre, and you just can’t muster up the bravery to crawl out from under your cozy duvet and trek through an ice storm to get to your bootcamp class.
At least, that’s what we tell ourselves. We all have a million reasons why we just can’t hit the gym. We make these excuses because we see working out as a special kind of torture: a chore we’ve been guilted into, when we’d rather do pretty much anything else. The only thing you need to do to turn your 2019 fitness aspirations into realities is change that outlook. If you dread the mere thought of lacing up your sneakers, you won’t even make it to the end of January before you conjure up some creative reason to break the healthy living promise you made to yourself.
The New Year is the perfect opportunity to change that. 2019 is a clean slate; it’s your chance to build a fresh new view of the gym. From today onward, working out isn’t a chore you have to do; it’s a gift to yourself that you get to do.
Easier said than done, I know. People hate working out for all kinds of reasons; you can’t just sprinkle some fairy dust and magically transform yourself into an endorphin-craving gym rat. That said, some things come pretty close. These 5 strategies are so easy, they’re kind of like pulling your long-lost love of fitness out of a hat. Pick and choose your favourites to make 2019 the year you finally see and feel the results you’re looking for.
1. Be S.M.A.R.T. with your resolution
Before you set foot on the weight room floor, every (good) personal trainer will make you set a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goal. (For best results, build your New Year’s Resolution following their formula.) The most important part is being realistic. Don’t resolve to lose 40 pounds by the end of January. When your deadline rolls around and you haven’t hit your target, you’ll be left wondering why you bothered to put in all that hard work. Challenge yourself, but set a goal you know you can actually achieve with a healthy dose of dedication.
2. Get some shut-eye
Your willpower plummets when you’re sleep-deprived and cranky. Make it a priority to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night. If you’re running on fumes all day, chances are they won’t carry you through your 7:00 pm CycleFit class.
3. Find your fitness fit
If my New Year’s Resolution was to take up swimming, I wouldn’t make it to day 2. Don’t force yourself into a kind of exercise you just don’t enjoy. There are dozens of options out there to choose from, so pick one that’s actually fun! If you try to drag yourself through workouts you hate, the excuses will come out in no time.
4. Don’t go it alone
Get your bestie, partner, mom, or co-worker to sweat it out with you. People who exercise as part of a team are more likely to stick to their goals in the long run. That’s because your workout buddy will keep you accountable (read: you’ll feel bad if you bail on them) and inspire a little friendly competition (you won’t skip that last rep if your partner’s pushing through).
5. Celebrate yourself
Remember: we’re making 2019 the year of #GymLove. Make the shift easier by associating your workouts with things you already crave. Crushed that HIIT circuit? Indulge in a massage. Started your day right with a morning yoga class? Treat yourself to that delicious scented candle you’ve been eying. Rewarding yourself for a workout well done will help you see that it’s not a form of cruel-and-unusual punishment, but an investment in yourself.
Need some extra motivation? Hit up our #SweatForGood Ambassadors on Instagram, so they can fill your feed with #fitspiration: